Smart Environment

Smart Environment
RS Planlama Proje uses the idea of Smart Environment, which we observe as a form of digital transformation in the public sector, i.e., the intertwining of the real (physical) world with the cybernetic (computer) world.

Daily use of modern technologies makes it possible to streamline the citizen's interaction with the local government and offer new or innovative services that the city or region provides to residents or visitors. Therefore, the Smart Environment idea and individual implemented projects are to create values for citizens. RS Planlama Proje focuses on the following topics when defining the Smart Envirmoent strategy:

Increasing the attractiveness of the city for residents and visitors;
• Expansion of the portfolio of municipal services
• Job offer, education, entertainment, housing, transport services.
Ensuring the security of citizens and property;
• Preventive measures to protect citizens' lives
• Protection of tangible and intangible assets of all entities
Ensuring sustainable development;
• Strengthening social services and health care for the aging population
• Preserving and improving the environment for future generations
Higher efficiency of process processing;
• Reduction of the city's operating costs
• Closer cooperation between municipal organizations
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